Growsass - Software Landing Page WordPress Theme. The layout looks beautiful at any size, be it a laptop screen, iPad, iPhone, Android Mobile or tablets. Plus, anyone can update with his need using drag and drop Page Builder.
This Theme has been developed only for WordPress 4.3.1 or higher version. So, you need to install WP before you can use this theme. Please see the CMS installation process. Here you can find the documentation : WordPress Codex - Installing WordPress
WordPress Theme Installation
WordPress theme is simply a group of files, called template, bundled together that, when activated in CMS, determine the look and basic function of your site. By using professional nillartstudio theme, you can have your site up and running with a new design - pretty fast. Theme installation is very easy process. Especially when you've chosen the theme you want to use, you'll need to install it into your WordPress website. You'll have the following two choices, as you did when adding new plugins:
Note: On your WordPress site, the wp-content/themes folder holds all your themes. Each theme you install gets its own subfolder. All of a theme's style sheets and template files reside inside the theme's folder.
Follow These Steps in Order to Install a New WP Theme
First Step:
Second Step:
Essential Plugins and Installation:
Install above essential plugins by easy 2 step
Install Visual Composer Plugin
If you want to upload demo content (posts,pages,menu...) to your website, browse Demo Sample Data folder and find the xml file. After that use WordPress import tool to upload this xml file to your website.
For more information about importing content in WordPress; click here
Note: If you aren't using a fresh WordPress install, I recommend you to reset your database before loading demo content. You can do this easily with this plugin. After doing this don't forget to activate the theme and required plugins again before uploading the xml file...
After the demo installation, you should set up sidebars ,select a front page and set up Appearance->Theme Settings manually. Please read the following sections for more information.
Upload WordPress installer:
Select demo xml file and click "update file and import"
Don't forget to check "Download and import attachments" box and click "submit"
Setup Permalink(Required)
Make sure to configure permalink. By default WordPress uses web URLs which have question marks and lots of numbers in them; however, WordPress offers you the ability to create a custom URL structure for your permalinks and archives. This can improve the aesthetics, usability, and forward-compatibility of your links. From WP admin panel go to the following path Settings->Permalik then select (Post name).
Its an important part of Growsass Theme Installation process. Select your menu for menu location. Go to Dashboard-> Appearance-> Menus then click on Manage Location and select menu for 2 locations. menu for "Primary Menu"? location is mandatory. You can follow below screenshot.
Set Static Home Page(Required): WordPress shows blog posts by default as the front page. If you want to look like demo Growsass then you need to set Home Page. See the way how to set Static Home Page Settings->Reading . From here select static page then for Front page select Home.
OnClick demo
Import Sample Data: Import Sample Data: If you want to use demo data for your website then you need to install sample data.
Step 1 : Install One Click Demo Import plugin from worpress plugin directory
Step 2 : Active this plugin
Step 2 : Import Demo data from Appearance -> Import Demo Data
Then click import demo data button
Growsass used Customizer Api for Theme Options. All options are easily readable and configurable.
1.Header Settings
2.Footer Settings
Live View
Live View
Live View
Live View
Live View
Once again, thank you so much for purchasing this product. As I said at the beginning, I'd be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this product. No guarantees, but I'll do my best to assist. If you have a more general question relating to this product on ThemeForest, you might consider visiting the forums and asking your question in the "Item Discussion" section.